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Current Board

The 36th Board of Archeopteryx "Leopardus"

Odz "Spot-on"


Demi Schimmel



Inge Radersma

Vice President


Juliette Blansjaar



Marijn van Wijk



Naomi Meerman


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Britt de Winter

General Board Member



Aquafauna working group

Master committee 

CS committee

Hello dear everyone,

My name is Demi Schimmel and I have the honor of taking the role of Chair! 

I'm currently in my waiting time between the bachelors degree and masters and will start de Master's in Veterinary Medicine this April. From a young age, I've always wanted to surround myself with animals, spending all my free time learning about them- or better, cuddling them! Beyond cuddling my own pets, I could spend endless hours observing all kinds of wild animals. 

What a privilege it is to be organizing activities about all sorts of animals this year with the Master Committee. 

I also love to take boat rides while hoping to spot a fin. And if I see a sea turtle while snorkeling, my vacation is complete! 

Despite the busy schedule of veterinary medicine, I love to practice horseback riding, have a drink with friends, play games or watch a good movie.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming year and can't wait to share my enthusiasm for all different animals with all of you! Feel free to stop by for a chat, and of course, to visit the Archy room. 

You can reach me at


Vice President

Birds working group

Symposium committee


Hi there, 

My name is Inge Radersma, and I've just finished my bachelor's degree. This year I have the honor of being the vice-chair of our wonderful association. I'll be focusing on sponsorships, collaborations, and the internship book. I'm so excited to get started working with the Ocelots! 

Like most Archy members, I have a great passion for unique animals, but I do have a soft spot for birds. So it's no suprise that I'll be leading the bird working group this year!

Additionally I'll be chairing the symposium committee this year! I'm thrilled to be part of this incredible committee. I'm looking forward to organize an amazing day for all of you!

Beside of all of my board duties, you'll often find me in the dissection rooms this year, as I'm working on research for my master's thesis with the pathology department. 

In my free time, I enjoy reading and horseback riding. I have my own horse nearby and often spend time there. 

It's going to be a busy year, but I'm very excited about it. 

Feel free to stop by for a chat. You can also contact me via:



Terrarium working group

 Leisure committee



My name is Juliette Blansjaar, I’m 21 years old, and I’m currently taking a gap year. This coming year, I’ll have the honor of fulfilling the role of secretary. This means I’ll be welcoming new members and answering your questions via email.

I’m originally from Haarlem but now live in Zeist. Unlike many others, I didn’t dream of becoming a veterinarian as a child, but I’ve always loved animals. My bed was once completely covered in WWF plushies, and I thought every animal was amazing!

From a young age, I’ve been fascinated by animals that aren’t conventionally “cute,” so being able to chair the Terra working group is a huge honor for me.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, crocheting, and walking in the dunes near my home (classic granny hobbies ). I also love meeting up with friends and engaging in creative activities. That’s why I’m particularly excited to chair the leisure committee. I hope to see many of you at our fun and relaxing activities—something we all need during a veterinary study!

Feel free to come chat with me during breaks or at events. You can also reach me at



Wildlife working group

Informarket committee

Career committee



Hey everyone!

I’m Marijn van Wijk, a third-year bachelor’s student, and this year I’ll be serving as the treasurer of Archaeopteryx. My main focus will be managing the finances of our association.

Like most aspiring veterinarians, my passion for animals started at a young age. I could spend hours with our pets and never ran out of things to say about animals. Not much has changed since then!

I’m still fascinated by all kinds of animals, and I get especially excited about wildlife. That’s why I’m thrilled to be leading the wildlife working group this year, as well as the career fair and information fair committees!

In addition to that, I love traveling, occasionally try my hand at learning Spanish, enjoy meeting up with amigos, and like staying active with sports.

I’m really looking forward to the coming year and hope to see you all often at our activities and during breaks. You can reach me at



Wildlife committee

Tosti committee

Hi everyone!

I’m Naomi Meerman, and I’m currently in my third year of the bachelor’s program. This coming year, I’ll be taking on the role of editor. I’m super excited to create five beautiful editions of the AV for you, and you’ll also see my work pop up on our socials and posters!

About ten years ago, I went to South Africa twice and was absolutely blown away by the amazing animals there. That’s when I knew for sure: when I grow up, I want to do something meaningful for these animals! That’s why I’m so proud to say that this year I’ll be chairing the wildlife committee. I’ve been an active member of this committee for almost two years now, and I can’t wait to organize even more fantastic activities with this wonderful group! 

You’ll often find me in the Archy room grabbing a tosti because I’m usually in such a rush in the morning that I forget my lunch! So it’s perfect that I’ll be leading the tosti committee this year, and together with the team, we’ll be coming up with lots of delicious toasties for you to enjoy!

When I’m not buried in my books at the university, you’ll usually find me at the stables with the horses or courtside watching a great tennis match. And of course, this year you’ll also see me a lot in the Archy room!

Feel free to stop by for a chat, or email me at

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General Board Member

KKF working group

BLE commitree

Hello everyone!

My name is Britt de Winter, and I’m about to complete my bachelor’s degree. This coming year, I’ll take on the role of general board member. I’ll be keeping you updated on all the activities happening via our socials and sharing the latest news in the newsletter. I’ll also manage the website. I’m really excited to take on this role and look forward to a great year with Leopardus!

As a little girl, I already knew for sure: I want to become a veterinarian. That dream has never faded, and I’m incredibly grateful to be pursuing this amazing study! I love all kinds of animals, but my time in Africa truly sparked my passion for wildlife. I’m thrilled to delve even deeper into the world of unique animals through Archaeopteryx this year.

In my free time, I love dancing with my dance group and enjoy drawing. I also love traveling and am super excited to serve as chair of the BLE committee this year.

Additionally, I’ll be leading the KKF working group. Growing up, I always had guinea pigs and hamsters, and now I’m the proud owner of two rabbits.

I’m really looking forward to the upcoming year, so feel free to stop by for a chat! You can also reach me at or via the socials I manage.



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3584 CL Utrecht

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