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Image by Gary Bendig

Confidential contact person


Quentin Nijenhuis



My name is Quinten and I am currently in the master, in addition I enjoyed being a board member at Archeopteryx in 2021-2022. So I know the association well and I want to make good use of it as a confidential contact person. If you want to share something in confidence, you can contact me and we'll talk about it!

You can reach me at

Sophie Klopper.jpeg

Sophie Klopper


Hi! My name is Sophie and I am currently studying a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine. In addition, I was allowed to be secretary of this association for the year 2022-2023. If something happens and you would like a listening ear, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can often be found in the loft and otherwise you can email me at:




From VIDIUS we have three confidential advisers for our members and member organisations. For example, if you need a case of undesirable behavior or a certain degree of conflict mediation within your board and you do not have a confidential (contact) person at your association, you can contact one of our three confidential contact persons to help or advise you. guiding you to the right help.

Our confidential contact persons are also there for individual members, of course! If they are confronted with undesirable behavior (such as sexually transgressive behaviour, discrimination or bullying) or need help in finding the right help for, for example, a burnout, study delay or other difficult situation, individual members can make use of our confidants. The VIDIUS confidential advisers are Tom Buster, Truusje Voorthuis and Marianne Vrieling. They can be reached via confidential

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count:  030-2537476

(12:45 - 13:15 on working days)


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Yalelaan 1

3584 CL Utrecht

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