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Image by Sreenivas

What is Archaeopteryx?

We are the veterinary study association for everyone who is interested in birds and exotic animals. For more than 30 years, we have been committed to spreading knowledge about these animal groups among students at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University. We do this by organizing many different activities related to these exotic animal species. We have now grown into an association with over 1,300 members consisting of veterinarians, students of Veterinary Medicine and other interested individuals. 

As an association, we want to spread information about exotic animal species and thus contribute to the professionalization of (future) veterinarians. By spreading knowledge and awareness, more and more animal owners with special exotic species will be able to visit the vet in the future and patient care quality will be raised to a higher level. In addition to knowledge, we also offer students opportunities to develop within this field, for example by offering internships through companies and by facilitating contact with specialists.

We organize all lectures, workshops, symposia and excursions together with our active members. Thanks to them we can do dozens of activities every year to anyone who would like to know more about exotic animal species. Our active members mainly consist of Veterinary Medicine students, but people from outside are also welcome to join our activities. Our well-known bird first aid workshop, given by certified bird specialist Dr. Yvonne van Zeeland, is at least as instructive for volunteers from shelters as it is for our students.

Due to the great diversity in animal species, five working groups have been set up within Archaeopteryx, each of which focuses on a different category of animals. In addition, we have multiple committees that take on the larger projects that transcend workgroups. Any interested member can join a working group or committee (or several!) and help organize activities.

"It would be absolutely useless for any of us to work to save wildlife without working to educate the next generation of conservationists." ~Jane Goodall

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count:  030-2537476

(12:45 - 13:15 on working days)


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Yalelaan 1

3584 CL Utrecht

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©2023 Archaeopteryx

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